I can't explain what a joy it is that Koy and Hudson are such great buddies! It is so much fun to watch them interact together and just be best buddies. Their newest adventure was the wonderful Snake Derby. Well as Lynsey and I venture off pulling our boys in the wagon to the Flea, Snake, and Smoker infested waters we realize that our boys are getting so big. First off the wagon was alot lighter to pull last year.
We made it down and got the boys $ 4.00 corn dogs (may have been more) which they both just wanted the hot dog on a stick, we walked around to notice that it is just the same ole' derby. Don't get me wrong it was so much fun to listen to the boys say, " LOOK AT THE CARNIBAL!" $20.00 later and it was off to ride some rides. Koy was really excited to ride but Hudson was a little hesitant. One juice spill, a ride on the Horse, and two Train Rides it was time to hit the hay. Lynsey and I layed the boys down for a nap, and it was some time for a little mommy time. One hour later, and they where out for the count. That night we went to the Street Dance, the boys had more fun jumping in water puddles then they did listening and dancing to the music. All in All it was a great day at the Derby with "The Boys!"
Dying Easter Eggs!
Well, until the next Adventure!